Rangers Keep Fingers Crossed

Maria Haymandou’s latest blog post is here!

Located on opposite sides of the continental United States, New York and Los Angeles really couldn’t be any more different.  Even comparing their aesthetics – the tall skyscrapers of New York and the suburban sprawl of Los Angeles – it seems hard to believe these two cities are in the same country.  New Yorkers don’t like Los Angeles, accusing it of being superficial and smoggy.  And Los Angeles has never cared for New York, since they find the city’s attitude to be too “stuffy” and “fast-paced”.  This has led to an intense rivalry between the two, conflicting sides of America.


The Rangers, after a victory against the Bruins last May.

This New York-Los Angeles rivalry has recently gotten even more personal, as their hockey teams are in conflict for the Stanley Cup.  I was shocked to hear that sunny Los Angeles even had a hockey team, let alone a good one, for the same reason I would be surprised to find igloos in Egypt.  Indeed, Los Angeles isn’t really a hockey city; since California first became a state in 1850, there have only been three recorded instances of significant snowfall, the last one being over 60 years ago.  However, due to a series of bad calls and poor playing by the Rangers, Los Angeles has won the first three games in a row this Stanley Cup.  One more win, and they’ll take the cup home.  Therefore, in order to win New York its first Stanley Cup in 20 years, the Rangers are going to need to win four straight games.  This is no easy feat, but the Rangers seem ready to bring the heat to this epic showdown.  This is exactly what happened against Pittsburgh earlier in the season; one more loss, and the Rangers are done.  So unless they want to go home, then it’s up to them to win this game.

Los Angeles, who focuses most of their sports love on their basketball team, doesn’t seem to be too excited about the Stanley Cup.  New York, on the other hand, is foaming at the mouth waiting for a victory.  Fans are concerned, fully aware that it would take nothing short of a miracle to win New York this cup.  Nonetheless, New York is ready for a miracle.


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