Show of Hands: How Many Americans Support Cellphone Driving Laws?

The newest legal news How many Americans support laws that limit cellphone use while driving? According to a new survey, it depends on what kinds of limits you’re talking about. Half of those surveyed (50 percent) said they support laws that require hands-free cellphone use while driving, while 42 percent said they support…… FindLaw News – Top Stories

Delta II Rocket With Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Onboard

The latest from NASA! A worker is seen preparing the launch gantry to be rolled back from the United Launch Alliance Delta II rocket with the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) observatory onboard, at the Space Launch Complex 2, Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. Now scheduled to launch early Friday morning, SMAP is NASA’s first Earth-observing satellite designed to collect global observations of surface soil moisture and its freeze/thaw state. SMAP will provide high resolution global measurements of soil moisture from space. The data will be used to enhance scientists’ understanding of the processes that link Earth’s water, energy, and carbon cycles.

Image Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

How Do Free Consultations Work in Personal Injury Cases?

The newest legal news Many personal injury attorneys offer free consultations. This allows a lawyer to learn more about the facts surrounding your case before deciding to take you on as a client. As the first step in the process of pursuing a potential personal injury claim, your initial meeting with an attorney…… FindLaw News – Top Stories

Joan Rivers and Alleged Medical Malpractice: 3 Things to Know

The newest legal news Comedian Joan Rivers’ death was the result of medical malpractice, her daughter claims in a lawsuit. What can consumers learn from this pending case? As you may recall, Joan Rivers underwent a procedure to remove a growth from her vocal cords last summer. She suffered cardiac and respiratory arrest during…… FindLaw News – Top Stories

Melissa Rivers Sues N.Y. Clinic Over Joan Rivers’ Death

The newest legal news Months after Joan Rivers’ tragic death following a medical procedure, her daughter Melissa has filed a lawsuit against Yorkville Endoscopy Center, the New York clinic where Joan was having a routine procedure performed to remove a growth on her vocal cords. During the procedure, Joan Rivers stopped breathing for a…… FindLaw News – Top Stories

NASA’s Day of Remembrance 2015

The latest from NASA! NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and his wife, Alexis, lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns as part of NASA’s Day of Remembrance, Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015, at Arlington National Cemetery.  The wreaths were laid in memory of those men and women who lost their lives in the quest for space exploration.  Photo Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky

NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Ready for Jan. 29 Launch

The latest from NASA! The sun sets behind Space Launch Complex 2 (SLC-2) with the Delta II rocket and the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) observatory protected by the service structure on Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2015, at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. SMAP is NASA’s first Earth-observing satellite designed to collect global observations of surface soil moisture and its freeze/thaw state. SMAP will provide high resolution global measurements of soil moisture from space. The data will be used to enhance scientists’ understanding of the processes that link Earth’s water, energy, and carbon cycles.

Image Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

Small Business 101: What Is ‘Equity’ in a Company?

The newest legal news As you know, starting and operating a business takes money. And one of the many tough decisions business owners must make is whether that money should come from debt or from equity. Most people are probably familiar with debt, whether from credit cards, car loans or home mortgages. A…… FindLaw News – Top Stories