Urban Workout Tips

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Urban workout tips by maria haymandouNew York has a lot of things, but there’s one thing it certainly doesn’t have: space.  That can make it hard to get in an effective workout, especially considering that gyms like Equinox and the NYHRC aren’t cheap.  Yet even if you don’t have a gym membership, there are still plenty of ways to get a great “urban workout”.  I recently read an article that shared some tips.  While the article was more geared towards Colorado, these tips are just as relevant in New York City.  Here’s what it had to say:

Go to the park: New York might be crowded and filled with people, but it’s also got plenty of parks.  But don’t stop with just running the length of the park; many of these parks have playgrounds as well, which feature plenty of equipment for a full-body workout.  For example, you can use the monkey bars, experimenting with speed and even practicing pull-ups.  Use benches as well to do step-ups or box jumps.  As long as you use your imagination, there’s an endless number of exercises you can try out at the park.

Bodyweight exercises: Luckily, bodyweight exercises don’t require much room; you don’t even need access to a park!  You can do them just as easily at home, on the street or pretty much anywhere you want to.  Tuck-jumps, push-ups, lunges and wall-sits are all easy to learn, if you haven’t done them already, and can be done in even the smallest studio apartment without rearranging too much furniture.  

HIIT it: HIIT stands for “high-intensity interval training”.  It’s one of the best ways to get the most out of your workout, and you don’t even have to go to the gym.  Simply alternate periods of high-intensity work with periods of lower intensity effort.  For example, try bursts of sprinting followed by slow jogs, or maybe bodyweight exercises separated by short rest periods.  
