Exercising With Your Baby

Maria Haymandou’s latest blog post is here!

Baby Maria HaymandouWhen you’re a new mom, finding any time to get anything done, particularly workouts, is difficult indeed.  Luckily, there are plenty of workouts that are easy to do, and you can keep your baby right there with you.  I recently read an article that shared some of these, and I thought I would share them with you all:

Baby dancing: Dancing offers a light cardiovascular workout with all three major muscle groups and improves both your balance and coordination.  Hold your baby to your body and support their head.  Put on some music and dance with your abs drawn in.  Try intervals of slow and moderately fast music to keep your heart rate up.  

Curl-up: Lie face-up on the floor with your knees bent and feet on the ground, like you would do for a sit-up.  Place your baby on or just above your lower belly and hold them securely there.  Then lift your head, neck, and shoulder blades off the floor in two counts, sort of like a miniature sit-up.  Do 20 reps, rest, and then do another set.

Reverse baby curl: This one’s very similar to the curl up, except put your feet up and bring your knees toward your chest, placing your baby on your shins.  Contract your abs and gently tilt your hips up off the floor as your lift your heads and shoulders at the same time, then lower and repeat 20 times.  

Overhead press: Sit cross-legged, holding your baby in front of your chest with your elbows bent.  Straighten your arms upward, pause, then lower your baby.  Do 10 reps, rest, then do two more sets.  

Bench press: Lie faceup on the floor with your knees bent, like with the curl-up.  Hold your baby securely, and bring them close to your chest, with their face touching yours.  Lift your baby up, pause, then lower your baby to the starting position.  Do 10 reps, rest, then do two more sets.  

Pliés: Stand with your feet further than hip-wide apart.  Keep your abs drawn in and bend your knees, lowering your hips and pressing your weight into your heels.  Slowly straighten your legs and return to a standing position.  

Walking lunges: Stand tall, holding your baby against your chest.  Take a large step forward with your right leg and bend both knees.  Push off your back leg and step your feet together.  Repeat with the opposite leg.  


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