Training Tips for Treadmill Running

Originally published on


Running on the treadmill may seem like something that one only does when they have no other option to run because of something like bad weather. In reality, running on the treadmill is a great way to help maintain good form for when you are running off the treadmill. It might seem daunting at first to “train” for running on the treadmill but there are several things you can do to help make the run a little more bearable and fun for yourself.

  • Prepare

The first step for running on the treadmill is to make sure you’re wearing the right outfit. Sounds silly, doesn’t it? You’re just running. However, you want to make sure that you’re wearing quality shorts and a T-shirt. You will sweat. Keep that in mind as you select your running clothes. Make sure that you also are wearing your regular running shoes. You shouldn’t buy a brand new pair of shoes the morning before you go on your run. This could lead to pain in your feet or even injury. Bring a hand towel or something similar with you to your run to wipe away any sweat that may come up. The most important thing to have ready for your run? Water! You need to ensure that you remain hydrated during your run.

  • Warm up correctly

Don’t just step on the treadmill and try to go as fast as you can. You want to warm up to a run. Start out with a simple walk for about 3 minutes and then progress into a light jog for another 3 minutes. The main goal here is to get the blood pumping and to get your heart going a little faster.

  • Quality not quantity

You shouldn’t worry about how fast you can run initially. Focus more on the quality of your running. Progression runs are a great workout. You can start out slow and gradually increase by one-tenth mile per hour every quarter mile.

  • Split the run

Another great idea would be to split your run into separate sessions on the same day. First, it’ll make the run seem a little less daunting and more manageable. Additionally, splitting these runs into two sessions helps keep your resting metabolic rate higher than if you just ran the full run at one pass.

  • Embrace the run

Be present in the run! Don’t worry about what’s going on around you. You’re running and you’re having the time of your life (hopefully). Focus on your run and your cadence to help keep distractions at a minimum.

Treadmill training is not hard to do. If done correctly, it can be extremely enjoyable and beneficial to you as a runner when you can’t get outside and run. Trust yourself while you’re on the treadmill that what you’re doing is right. If you focus on the run and how your body is reacting to it, you’ll have an easy run.

What To Do In Jamaica Bay

Jamaica Bay
Jamaica Bay, with New York City in the background.

I recently came across an article discussing the fun to be had at Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn’s only national park.  The Community Newspaper Group’s adventure correspondent, Max Jaeger, decided to check it out.  Jaeger got to Floyd Bennett Field, the entrance of the park, with bikes.  The park offers those interested an archery range, kayak launches and even a remote-control car track.  There are a total of 30 tent sites and 20 recreational vehicle hookups in the park, which are typically booked for several months straight in the Summer months.  There is also a recreational nature trail, and while it seems fairly isolated, it nonetheless remains within earshot of the nearby JFK airport, so that the sound of airplanes flying just above the trees is a regular occurrence.

For $20 a night, one can rent a campsite, which includes a fire pit, grill and picnic table.  While you have to bring your own tent to the site, there is plenty of firewood provided at the park, although it’s quite large, so it might be a good idea to bring a starter to start your campfire up.  Dryer lint actually makes for excellent kindling.  Unfortunately, if you’re looking to stargaze, then Jamaica Bay might not be the best camping ground for you; New York’s ever-present glow overpowers the majority of the area’s starlight.

Living in the heart of Brooklyn, it can be very easy to forget that many parts of the city, such as Jamaica Bay, offer plenty of peace and quiet for anybody who is looking to spend just a day or even a few hours away from the hustle and bustle of New York City.

2 New Releases on RSD14 – ToughMFs & Lady Luck Combo

Good hard rockin’

HepTown Records


“Sweet Annelie/Messed Up” – 7” vinyl single
(Heptown Records)

Order at Hepcat Store


Dean Micetich from DiCE Magazine, The Black Tibetans handles the  vocals and lead guitar
Dave Catching from Masters Of Reality, ex. Queens of the Stone Age keeps the energy sky high with the second guitar
Brian BOC from Eagles Of Death Metal drives it all along on the bass guitar
Joey Castillo also from Eagles Of Death Metal and Queens of the Stone Age ties it all together with his pounding drum beat!

Lady Luck Combo
“Peggy Lee” – 7″ Vinyl EP
(Heptown Records)

Order at Hepcat Store

With their roots in rockabilly and rock´n´roll they move between related genres to create something entirely their own!


Peggy Lee
Good ol’ 66

Ain’t Nobody
Cannonball Rag

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What is Cinco de Mayo?

Little Caroline Travels The Big World

For those celebrating, happy cinco de Mayo! I hope you are celebrating for the right reasons!

What is the true meaning of cinco de Mayo? I believe that if you are going to celebrate something, you should know its origins first!

Cinco de Mayo, which is Spanish for 5th of May, is celebrated today  to remember Mexican culture and traditions. The meaning behind the day has changed overtime.

Cinco de Mayo started as commemorating the Mexican army’s victory over France at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. This was part of the Franco Mexican War that lasted between 1861-1867.

Mexico at the time was struggling financially and France, under the rule of Napoleon III, saw its opportunity to carve out some French territory.

At Puebla, on May 5, 2,000 Mexicans stood strong against 6,000 French. In the end the French retreated and Mexico won the town.

The Battle of Puebla…

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