Airbnb Igloo

Igloo in brookynWhile plenty of people in the Northeast fled for cover during Jonas this past weekend, there were others who saw the horrific storm as an opportunity for a quirky type of business.  In Greenpoint, resident Patrick Horton and his roommates decided they would build an igloo in their backyard.  They made a huge pile of snow in their yard on the day of the blizzard, and the next morning spend three hours hollowing it out.  As a prank, they then decided to list the igloo on Airbnb.

With tongue firmly placed in cheek, the listing spoke of “this snowpocalypse’s most desirable getaway” as “dripping with ingenuity and alt-lifestyle aura…built completely by hand all-natural”.  Calling on potential lodgers, they encouraged users to spend a night at “this chic dome-style bungalow with Bae”.  Horton insisted that the listing was only half-serious; he and his roommates wanted to satirize the stereotypes surrounding in Brooklyn, although said that he absolutely would have let somebody spend $200 a night to stay there if they wanted.

When reports of the structure went viral on social media, Airbnb removed the listing, saying that the igloo failed to meet occupancy standards; Airbnb listing are required to have running water, electricity and a roof and doesn’t melt.  Yet strangely enough, Horton pointed out that there is an entire section of Airbnb for igloos, and the company actually offered him a discount to rent out other igloos on the site.

Horton works as an advertising art director by day, yet he has a series of other ventures that he works on, including rap-inspired wrapping paper.